SoftTastyDonut (STD) is the spear coin which will pull everything up by giving fans of PIKA and DWB access to thick liquidity on the PulseX exchange. This meme provides utility for other memes on Pulsechain. No scams, no rug pulls, no admin keys. Just an ecosystem designed to give you a safe maximum upside scale in the coming years.

Meet the staff:


BEANS Replaces the former rug pull that prevented users from selling and has lots of liquidity tied to DMT. It will make for a great comeback story.


Celebrate the end of the frosty bear market. Lots of liquidity is tied to STD. It will make for a great badge that you made it through while believing To The End.


Fans of OMG and GENGARĀ  now have access to liquidity on the PulseX exchange with this trippy ride. It will take your cryptocurrency wallet to new highs.

A coin tied to telling the truth, even when it hurts. It’s designed to do a 111,000x in 12 years. You’ll have to wait but the gains will be worth it. By having so much of its liquidity tied in with STD it will serve as a mighty underdog that will take everyone by surprise into the far future as a leverage play on STD’s success.